In Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, the Classical Gear Set is the highest level crafted, un-augmented gear set you can get prior to the 6.2 patch. With a base item level of 580 and augmentable up to 590, the Classical Gear, with its multiple materia slots, is the Best in Slot for several classes. Here’s how to craft your own Classic Gear for sale or personal use.
Crafting Classical Gear
To craft Classic Gear, it’s useful to remember the checklist of things you’ll need.
- Level 90 Armorer, Leatherworker, or Weaver with Master Recipes IX unlocked for the relevant classes
Additionally if you’re planning on crafting and gathering all the required materials yourself, you’ll also need the following. If you’re rolling in Gil, or otherwise have another means of getting the required components (trades from generous Free Company friends), you can skip part of these steps.
- Purchase/Gather Aethersand
- Level 90 Miner and Botanist with Regional Folklore tomes unlocked
- All Crafting Jobs at level 90 with Master Recipes IX unlocked
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Level 90 Crafters and Master Recipes IX

Levelling crafters to 90 can seem daunting, but there’s actually multiple quick ways of gaining experience. The Studium Deliveries offer huge amounts of experience and should be completed with relevant classes as soon as possible. Levequests are also an incredible source of experience. Players gain three levequest allowances every 12 hours, and they can stack up to 100, so if you’ve not been using them, you will have a lot to use. Grand Company Deliveries can also net you huge amounts of experience. Finally, weekly Challenge Log rewards have experience components you can work toward. Ideally with these methods, you’ll be able to level to 90 on any crafter in hours.
Once a class is levelled to 90, you can purchase and use the Master Recipes IX tome for them. These are available from any of the Scrip Vendors or the Sundry Splendors Vendors located in major cities. They cost 1200 Silver Crafting Scrips. If you’ve maxed out your scrips, you’ll have 2000, meaning there’s a little bit of a grind to get all the tomes. Gathering White Crafters Scrips is a case of turning in high value collectables to one of the Collectable Appraisers. Once you’ve unlocked the tome and activated it, you’ll now have access to the Classical Gear Recipes for that class. You can now start crafting the Classical Gear (if you have the materials, that is).
Classical Gear Materials

If you’re not purchasing the materials from the Marketplace, the next step is to gather materials. Classical Gear will require items, both of which can be purchased with Purple Crafters Scrips, gathered from rare Regional Folklore gathering nodes, Crafted from Master Crafting recipes, and gathered conventionally. For example, the Classical Dimachaerius’s Caligae are crafted with the following.
- 2 Lunar Adamantite (Conventional crafting)
- 1 Anynodon Leather (Master Leatherworker IX recipe with materials from Geological Folklore tome)
- 1 Chondrite Ingot (Conventional Crafting)
- 2 Grade 6 Dexterity Alkahest (Master Alchemist IX recipe with Purple Scrip materials)
- 1 Endtide Aethersand (Purple Scrip material)
- 3 Ice Clusters
- 3 Earth Clusters
This means that, in order to craft this single item, you’ll need a level 90 Miner with the right Geological Folklore tome unlocked, a level 90 Leatherworker with Master Recipes IX, a level 90 Alchemist with Master Recipes IX, and a Level 90 Armorer with Master Recipes IX, just to start crafting. Then you'll need enough Purple Scrips for the materials.Â
Unlocking Regional Folklore Tomes
There are three Tomes of Geological Folklore and three tomes of Botanical Folklore that are available from the Splendors Vendor in Radz-at-Han, at X: 11.5, Y: 9.1. Each one of these will unlock mining (for Geological) and botany (for Botanical) mining spots for rare items.
Regional Folklore tomes for Endwalker areas are purchased with 16 Regional Folklore Trader’s Token C. You can purchase Regional Folklore Trader’s Token C from Scrip Vendors or the Sundry Splendors Vendors. These cost 100 Silver Crafting Scrips each.
Purchasing and farming Aethersand
Aethersand can be purchased from Scrip Vendors or the Sundry Splendors Vendors for Purple or Silver Scrips depending on rarity. They can also be gathered from Aetherial Reduction, usually on rare fish or gathering materials.
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Upgrading to Augmented Classical Gear

Once you have your Classical Armor, you can upgrade it to Augmented Classical Gear, raising the stats and item level. To do this you’ll need Hannish Certificates of Grade 1 Import and Crucible Rain.
Hannish Certificates of Grade 1 Import
Hannish Certificates of Grade 1 import are available from Rashti in Radz-at-Han, X: 10.8, Y: 9.8. They’re obtained by trading Classical Armor. You’ll receive between three to five certificates for a piece of Classical Armor and between 11 and 17 for a High Quality set of Classical Armor. In total, you’ll need 11 certificates for an arm, head, or foot piece and 17 for a chest or legs piece. You’ll also need seven for a Paladin shield. Â
Crucible Rain
Rashti also sells Crucible Rain for 100 Allagan Tomestones of Aphorism. You’ll need between three and seven for each piece of armor you’re augmenting.
Getting your Augmented Classical Gear
Finally, speak to Rashti and give her the armor you're augmenting, the certificates, and the rain. You’ll be presented with a piece of Augmented Classical Gear. Enjoy your item level 590 gear!
For more Final Fantasy XIV guides check out Everything added in Final Fantasy XIV patch 6.15 on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jun 8, 2022 08:08 am