Legendary is the highest loot rarity tier in New World, and all of the best items are mostly Legendary. However, it's unclear to most new players where they can find the best loot and how to get Legendary items in New World.
How to get Legendary items in New World
If you are trying to get new Legendary Items, your usual best bet is to farm expeditions or high-level named monsters/mobs. Both expeditions or named monsters tend to give more legendary drops than other activities present within New World. Luckily, players can find numerous Expedition locations and spots to farm named monsters throughout New World's vast open world. The most accessible farming locations are Expeditions, but they require more than one player. So if you are solo, your best bet is to farm the name monsters.
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Best Legendary Item farms in New World
The following locations include mostly bosses from the Brimstone Sands area, requiring additional steps if you haven't reached the region. In short, you need to be level 60+ and complete the Strider of the Sands quest.
Colossus of Qebui
The Colossus of Qebui is a named boss that players can find in the Brimstone Sands region of New World. The boss is geared around level 63 but rewards two unique items: Colossal Storm and Weighted Greaves. Here's where you can find this named boss in New World Brimstone Sands:
- Location - Colossus of Qebui.
- Level - 63+
- Item list - Colossal Storm (Heavy Chestpeice) Weighted Greaves (Heavy Legpeice).

Further down from the last boss is another that players can find in Brimstone Sands. The boss is called Sabnekh and rewards two legendary items, Grasp of Ammit and Psychopomp's Ma'at. Here's where you can find and slay Sabnekh:
- Location - Oasis Spontanea.
- Level - 63.
- Item list - Psychopomp's Ma'at (Ice Gauntlet), Grasp of Ammit (Void Gauntlet).

Colossus of Karnak
Similar to the Colossus of Qebui, the Colossus of Karnak rewards legendary items. Killing Karnak will also potentially drop a Wallbuilder and a Horizon Line legendary items. Players can find the Colossus of Karnak in the following location below:
- Location - Great Wall of Nebet-Het.
- Level - 66.
- Item list - Wallbuilder (Hammer), Horizon Line (Spear).

Colossus of Memnon
In the same location as Karnak, players can find another Colossus in the southern section of the Great Wall of Nebet-Het they can farm called the Colossus of Memnon. This named boss/mob will drop the following items: Colossi-Crumbler 4000 and Chiromancer's Palm.
- Location - Great Wall of Nebet-Het.
- Level - 66.
- Item list - Colossi-Crumbler 4000 (Blunderbuss), Chiromancer's Plam (Void Gauntlet).
Leviathan of the Deep
Leviathan of the Deep is a named boss that players can find near Ambusti Superior. Unlike a lot of bosses, players can potentially earn several items just from this one named boss. Here's where you can find the Leviathan of the Deep in New World:
- Location - Ambusti Superior.
- Level - 66.
- Item List - Timekeeper's Hand (Sword), Slayer (Blunderbuss), Volcano Smasher (Hammer), Lifeforce (Great Sword), Torrent (Great Sword), Eyes in the Abyss (Amulet), and Bloody Valentine's Ring (Ring Jewelry).

For more on New World, we at Pro Game guides have you covered with guides like Best PVE builds in New World and New World December 2022 roadmap — Winter festival, territory changes, and more.
Published: Jan 4, 2023 09:23 am