Curses in Sea of Thieves are a rare vanity item that you can equip from the Vanity Chest. They do not provide any benefits other than altering your character's appearance and they do not change the game mechanics in any way. Still, they are a fun feature to add to your character, and wearing them is certainly worth some bragging rights!
How to Get Curses in Sea of Thieves
There are currently three Curses in Sea of Thieves. They are all obtained by completing specific Tall Tales and receiving the Legendary Commendation associated with their respective Tales. This is no easy task. Receiving the Legendary Commendation requires that you complete the Tall Tale several times and find every secret item attributed to it. The worst part? Each Curse has its own Tall Tale, so you'll have to do this three times if you want to get every Curse. Be ready for a lot of sailing!
Curse of the Order

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This is likely the first Curse you will obtain since the Tall Tall associated with it, The Cursed Rogue, is one of the first Tall Tales to unlock in the game. Listed below are all the commendations you need to achieve if you wish to receive the Curse of the Order. Upon completing them, you will be able to equip the Curse in your Vanity Chest.
- The Rogue's Key: Recover the Skeleton Key.
- Relics of the Cursed Rogue: Return Captain Briggsy's Artifacts.
- Free at Last: Defeat Captain Briggsy.
- The Cursed Rogue: Complete The Cursed Rogue.
- The Hunter's Trail: Discover all of the Bounty Hunter's Journals.
- Briggsy's Greatest Foe: Complete the tale five times.
- Fateful Memories: Complete all other Commendations for The Cursed Rogue.
Shores of Gold Curse

This Curse is available once you achieve all commendations in the Shores of Gold Tall Tale. It is the last in line of the main questline and can be quite a chore to complete. Listed below are all the commendations you need to achieve if you wish to receive the Shores of Gold Curse. Upon completing them, you will be able to equip the Curse in your Vanity Chest.
- The Fabled Island: Reach the Shores of Gold.
- Path to Forsaken Fortune: Discover the Gold Hoarder Coin.
- Shores of Gold: Complete Shores of Gold.
- The Stain of Greed: Discover all Briggsy's Journals.
- Lord of Gold: Return the Skull of the Gold Hoarder five times.
- Gold and Glory: Complete all other Commendations for Shores of Gold.
- Seeker of Grand Adventure: Complete all Tall Tale Commendations (from only the main questline).
The Ashen Curse

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Instead of first obtaining the Curse of the Order, you may go for this Curse first. It is a reward for completing the standalone Tall Tale The Ashen Curse from the Hearts of Fire update. Listed below are all the commendations you need to achieve if you wish to receive The Ashen Curse. Upon completing them, you will be able to equip the Curse in your Vanity Chest.
- The Liar's Hideout: Discover Stitcher Jim's Hideout.
- The path of the Eternal King: Take the path of the Eternal King.
- The path of the Forsaken Flame: Take the path of the Forsaken Flame.
- The path of the Burning Heart: Take the path of the Burning Heart.
- The Fire Rises: Discover the Chest of Rage.
- Stitcher's Schemes: Discover Stitcher Jim's Journals.
- Heart of Fire: Complete the tale.
- Saver of Souls: Complete the tale three times.
- The Blackwyche Reborn: Complete all commendations for Heart of Fire.
Completing all three of these takes a long time and will likely require you to play Sea of Thieves for many hours. However, The Shores of Gold Curse is one of the most prestigious vanity items in the game! Happy sailing!
Want some help with fishing in Sea of Thieves? Check out our Guide to Fishing!
Published: Jan 30, 2021 07:23 pm