There are tons of different exotic armor pieces among the three classes of Destiny 2. For the Hunter specifically, there are seven exotic helmets, 10 gauntlets, eight chest pieces, and eight pieces of leg armor. Each of these has its own beautiful aesthetic and armor perk to offer players.
All Exotic Hunter Helmets
Assassin's Cowl

Vanishing Execution - Powered melee final blows grant invisibility and restore a portion of health and shields. Finishers and final blows against more powerful targets increase the duration of the invisibility and the amount of health and shields restored.
Celestial Nighthawk

Hawkeye Hack - Modifies Golden Gun to fire a single high-damage shot. Enemies eliminated by this shot explode and grant the player Super energy.

Relentless Tracker - Visually mark targeted enemies. Deals more damage to low-health marked enemies.
Graviton Forfeit

Vanishing Shadow - Increases the duration of any invisibility effects. While the player is invisible, their melee recharges faster, their weapon reload is faster, and their Recovery is greatly increased.
Knucklehead Radar

Upgraded Sensor Pack - Provides radar while the player is aiming. Enhances the player's radar resolution while crouched.
Mask of Bakris

Light Shift - Replaces the player's Stasis subclass dodge ability with a longer range, fasting moving shift that partially cloaks them during use. After shifting, their Arc weapons deal increased damage to combatants for a short time, and they deal extra damage to all slowed or frozen combatants.
Wormhusk Crown

Burning Souls - Dodging gives a small health and shield bump.
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All Exotic Hunter Gauntlets
Aeon Swift

The Aeon exotics give players three choices for their perk:
The Sect of Force - Rapid precision hits with a weapon temporarily increase the player's reload speed and weapon swap speed. When the player stuns a Champion or defeats a boss/mini-boss, their fireteam members gain a burst of grenade and melee energy. Aeon cult allies who do not have the burst of Super energy.
The Sect of Insight - Successive precision weapon takedowns have a chance to drop an Orb of Power for the player's allies. When they use a finisher on an Elite, they generate Special ammo for their fireteam; when they use a finisher on a boss or mini-boss, they generate heavy ammo for their fireteam. Nearby Aeon cult allies who do not have the Sect of Insight role equipped also gain a bonus to weapon damage for a short time.
The Sect of Vigor - Gain class ability energy as the player's allies die. Gain full class ability energy when the player resurrects an ally. When casting a Super, nearby allies gain an instant burst of healing. Aeon cult allies who do not have the Sect of Vigor equipped also gain an overshield.
Athrys's Embrace

Skittering Stinger - Weighted Knife gains a second bounce. Rapid precision hits with the player's weapon grant the Weighted Knife a significant damage bonus and the ability to stun unshielded combatants for a short time.
Khepri's String

Touch of Venom - Punching someone with full melee energy will instantly cast Smoke Bombs. Gain Truesight while the player's own Smoke Bomb effect. The player's smoke bombs deal increased damage.
Liar's Handshake

Cross Counter - Using the player's Arc ability or being hit by a melee attack will allow the player to follow up with an extremely powerful melee counterpunch that will heal the player.
Mechaneer's Tricksleeves

Spring-Loaded Mounting - Increases Sidearm ready and reload speed. While the player is critically wounded, swapping to their Sidearm increases its damage.

Adamantine Brace - Bows charges can be held indefinitely.
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps

Nightmare Fuel - Dealing melee damage reloads the player's currently equipped weapon.
Shards of Galanor

Sharp Edges - Hits and kills with Blade Barrage will return Super energy after the Super ends.
Shinobu's Vow

New Tricks - Improves Skip Grenade, and the player will gain an additional Skip Grenade charge. Skip Grenade returns energy when it damages enemies.
Young Ahamkara's Spine

Wish-Dragon Teeth - Increases Tripmine Grenade duration and blast radius. Ability damage grants Tripming Grenade energy.
All Exotic Hunter Chest Pieces
Gwisin Vest

Roving Assassin - Each Spectral Blades kill the player makes before going into stealth will restore more of their Super energy.
Lucky Raspberry

Probability Matrix - Increases the chaining capabilities of Arc Bolt Grenade and has a chance to recharge it each time it deals damage. A full chain always recharges.

Beyond the Veil - The player gains a second Smoke Bomb charge and has damage resistance while invisible. When they make an ally invisible, they gain damage resistance and the player gains melee energy.
Ophidia Spathe

Scissor Fingers - Grants two knives per charge.
Raiden Flux

Synapse Junctions - Quick successive attacks with Arc Staff increase its damage output and duration.
Raiju's Harness

Mobius Conduit - Allows the player the ability to deactivate Whirlwind Guard early. Guarding also does not consume extra Super energy.
The Dragon's Shadow

Wraithmetal Mail - Dodging reloads all weapons and increases both movement and weapon handling speeds for a brief time.
The Sixth Coyote

Double Dodge - Gain a second dodge charge.
Related: Eyasluna Hand Cannon God Roll, Best Perks in Destiny 2
All Exotic Hunter Leg Armor

Rapid Cooldown - Increased grenade, melee, and dodge regeneration while sprinting. Dodging increases the player's sprint speed.
Gemini Jester

Misdirection - Dodging disorients nearby enemies and temporarily removes their radar.
Lucky Pants

Illegally Modded Holster - When the player readies a fully loaded Hand Cannon that deals kinetic damage or a damage type that matches their subclass energy type, each hit from that Hand Cannon increases the damage of the next shot for a short time against a combatant. Hand Cannons are ready faster and are more accurate immediately after swapping to them.
Orpheus Rig

Uncanny Arrows - Provides ability energy for each enemy tethered by Deadfall anchors. Moebius Quiver has more shots.
Radiant Dance Machines

The Dance - Activating the player's dodge ability while near targets allow them to dodge additional times for a short period of time.
Star-Eater Scales

Feast of Light - The player gains additional Super energy from an Orb of Power they pick up. While the player's Super energy is full, picking up an Orb of Power overcharges their Super causing them to gain a burst of healing when cast and a bonus to their Super damage. At maximum overcharge, they also gain an overshield.

Hydraulic Boosters - Increases sprint speed and slide distance. Improves High Jump, Strafe Jump, and Triple Jump.
The Bombardiers

Parting Gifts - Dodging leaves behind an explosive that detonates after a short delay, damaging targets around it and creating a secondary effect based on the player's subclass energy type.
- Arc energy blinds targets
- Solar energy burns targets
- Void energy suppresses targets
- Stasis energy slows targets
For more Destiny content, be sure to check out What to do with Forsaken Ciphers in Destiny 2 on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Dec 31, 2021 03:39 am