You can find unique materials like Frozen Flames, Chaos Flames, and Sovereign Coals throughout the Realms of God of War Ragnarok. Some of these things are more difficult to find than others, however, and Sovereign Coals are one of the trickier unique materials to get ahold of.
Where to find Sovereign Coals in God of War Ragnarok

To get Sovereign Coals, players will need to track down Draugr Holes. These can be found throughout the Realms and will present difficult combat situations for players to overcome before obtaining the coveted Coals. Draugr Holes won't be in the world right away, and players will have first to defeat The Hateful while searching for Tyr in the Jarnsmida Pitmines.
Related: How to get the red chest behind the gate in the Lower Wildwoods in God of War Ragnarok
The Hateful is difficult to find but can be located in a back room as the player finds their way through the winding mines. Once The Hateful is defeated, players will receive their first Sovereign Coal and can begin hunting for Draugr Holes along their journey to obtain more. There are six of these for players to hunt down, so be sure to keep an eye out while exploring the different Realms and locations.
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Published: Nov 9, 2022 06:47 am