Most Minecraft players spend a decent amount of time inside caves and caverns to obtain key materials, but it can be hard to know whether you’ve got a great cave seed or not without spending hours exploring. I’ve taken the risk for you and found the best Minecraft Cave seeds for each version.
Best Minecraft Java Cave Seeds
In addition to plentiful resources, these underground networks hold tons of enemies and unique structures like Ancient Cities. The seeds I found contain the best of both structures and geographically interesting caves in Minecraft.
Desert Mineshaft

Seed: -6776518137928345413
Since this seed takes place in the Badlands, you'll be able to explore a mineshaft before you enter a cave. Explore the biome carefully to ensure you've found all of the minecart chests before exploring further. This includes the rest of the Badlands across the river as part of the mineshaft has generated there. After gathering the materials from this structure and the Desert Village, you'll be able to gear up to take on the nearby cave. It drops down constantly so make sure to bring a bucket filled with water.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Desert Village: 16, -300 |
Mineshaft: 80, -396 |
Cave Entrance: 30, -418 |
Amethyst Tunnels

Seed: -8609116152936997120
If you're like me, you love amethyst blocks but hate how hard it is to get a lot of them. This cave makes it a little easier by providing two amethyst geodes near its entrance. Dig into each and convert them into amethyst farms to collect a lot of the valuable crystal. While waiting for new amethysts to form, you can explore the many tunnels of the cave in hopes of finding more. These tunnels include several leading to a Lush Cave, which contains its own special materials that would look good paired with amethyst blocks.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Cave Entrance: -97, 104 |
Path to Geodes: -142, 9, 67 |
Amethyst Geode 1: -144, 16, 76 |
Amethyst Geode 2: -212, 30, -23 |
Lush Cave: -208, -15, -117 |
Spruce Lava Ravine

Seed: 92979568774218046
A lot of caves are a mystery until you physically walk into them and explore them. On the other hand, this cave shows you exactly what it is from the surface. Peering into the cavern reveals an immediate drop to deepslate, a Dripstone Cave, and a large lava lake. When you enter the cave, you'll also find two Amethyst Geodes in the main area.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Cave Entrance: -23, 63, 1 |
Amethyst Geode 1: -58, -28, 24 |
Amethyst Geode 2: 95, 38, -131 |
Witch from the Underwater Ravine

Seed: -5767921876753916282
This Witch Hut spawns at the divide between a Swamp and an Ocean biome. Because of this, the four oak pillars holding the hut up extend deep into one of the ocean's ravines. They make the hut the perfect place to build an elevator to the bottom of the ocean. Luckily, the beach you spawn on is both next to the Witch Hut and the home to plenty of turtles! Use these turtles to craft a Turtle Shell helmet to help you breathe underwater longer while exploring the deep sea cavern.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Turtle Beach: Spawn |
Witch Hut: 708, -302 |
Underground Living

Seed: 3200555351024836009
At first glance, this cave's two tunnels look the same. Each leads to the same Dripstone Cave containing both water and lava falls. In spite of this, I recommend following the left pathway. It leads you more directly to deeper sections of the cave containing the Deep Dark and even an Ancient City. You'll be able to visit the Ancient City without mining at all, making this a perfect rare spawn for cave lovers.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Dripstone Cave: 15, 48, 25 |
Deep Dark: -14, -9, 87 |
Ancient City: 0, 42, 55 |
Plains Ravine

Seed: 3994865973633188678
Plains Villages are the perfect place to prepare for any spelunking adventure. This Plains Village conveniently lays its path blocks leading to the cave. Additionally, they've created several small waterfalls dropping into the cave to allow anyone to go in and out of it with ease. For a little extra loot, visit the ruined portal nearby. If you gather enough diamonds and obsidian in the cave, you can rebuild the portal for a Nether trip.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Plains Village with Ravine: Spawn |
Ruined Portal: 86, 40 |
Simple and Deep

Seed: 6836297732212051588
Sometimes, you just want a regular cave with no frills or strings attached. This seed gives you exactly that—a deep cave dropping to deepslate with nothing but you, precious ores, and any mobs that generate in the darkness of the cavern. Make sure to prepare yourself before going in by gathering food, dirt, and saplings. It's a very long drop and you won't want to make the trip back and forth as your inventory fills up.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Cave Entrance: -19, 79 |
Dark Drip Lava Mines

Seed: 2425536010563890453
These mines hang treacherously above a lake of lava. The only things providing them with safety are the waterfalls scattered around the cave, which have turned portions of the lake into obsidian. The Sculk around the area is a great source of experience for those looking to enchant their armor and tools.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Cave Entrance: 83, -80 |
Dark Drip Lava Mines: -25, -37, -117 |
Sinkhole Desert

Seed: -802214440283998814
A set of sinkholes has formed in the middle of this Desert. While that would usually be a bad thing, these holes have revealed a set of caverns beneath the surface! Use the waterfall in the first sinkhole to explore its area and an underwater Dripstone Cave. You can reach the cavern of the second sinkhole from here, which is home to a Lush Cave.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Waterfall Cave Entrance: 46, 62, -39 |
Sinkhole: -34, 65, -64 |
Lush Cave: -88, 11, -43 |
Underwater Dripstone Cave: 65, 22, -89 |
Glow Squid Falls

Seed: -6290381374722815594
Glow Squids are the only mob that drop Glow Ink Sacs, which are used to craft items like Glow Item Frames. This makes finding them a treat, especially in a cave close to Spawn! This cave also contains a mineshaft in the Deepslate layers beyond the waterfall. It has all sorts of treasures to help you start your next survival world on the right foot.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Cave Entrance: 281, 86, -168 |
Mineshaft: 369, -29, -207 |
Best Minecraft Bedrock Cave Seeds
Just like the Java edition seeds, these seeds combine the best of unique cave formations and structure generations for Minecraft Bedrock. Gear up and get ready to go spelunking!
Riverside Village Cave

Seed: 1460180797024635026
Starting your next survival world with a Plains Village containing a Blacksmith makes it much easier to explore any caves you come across. Luckily, this seed has a large cavern next to the Plains Village! I recommend entering the cave and traveling to the left. The path will lead you down to Deepslate layers including multiple lava lakes, a Dripstone Cave, and even a ruined portal.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Plains Village: Spawn |
Cave Entrance: -19, 51 |
Platform above Lava Lake: 121, -30, 15 |
Ruined Portal in cave: 134, -36, 69 |
Dripstone Cave Lava Lake: -159, -51, 59 |
Wooded Badlands Cavern

Seed: -3498931843777289206
A Wooded Badlands Mountain is carved out by a Dripstone Cave in this world. By entering the cave, you'll come across two separate patches of Deep Dark biome. There is a small path leading from the second Deep Dark biome on the left to a ravine with a lava floor and walls made of Sculk. It's very pretty to look at and would make for a unique Minecraft base.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Cavern Entrance: -46, 115, -10 |
Deep Dark biome: -132, 11, 39 |
Second Deep Dark biome: -74, -10, 36 |
Deep Dark Lava Ravine: -90, -33, 160 |
Deep Chasm

Seed: -4957405782717253908
This cave truly has it all. When you first walk through it, you'll find Dripstone and Lush Cave biomes in its upper layers. A giant waterfall allows you to quickly travel from these biomes to the -52 Y-layer with a Deep Dark biome. Since you can drop down so quickly, you'll find plenty of Diamonds fast!
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Cave Entrance: 85, 73, 35 |
Lush Cave: 210, 19, 50 |
Dripstone Cave: 160, 25, 93 |
Deep Dark: 166, -52, 60 |
Lava Lakes and Falls

Seed: -2860500151403008143
This cave has the three D's that fulfill every spelunker's dreams—Deepslate, the Deep Dark, and Dripstone. The top portion of the cave is made of Dripstone with a pool of water. If you swim down the waterfall spilling out of that pool, you'll be dropped down to this deepslate layer containing pools of lava and patches of Deep Dark biome.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Dripstone Cave Entrance: 18, -5 |
Deep Dark with Lava Pools: 20, -45, -2 |
Deep Dark Cove Caverns

Seed: 1437785306674498023
Exploring the caverns beneath this cove only gets more exciting the longer you adventure through them. The start of the cave has a few waterfalls that will drop you down to the deepslate layers of the cave. This first area contains several sections of Deep Dark biome and a large lava lake. There are several paths you can take to go deeper into the cavern, one of which takes you to an Ancient City. You're guaranteed to spend hours exploring and uncovering new treasures on your journeys to and through the city.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Cove Cavern Entrance: 80, 63, 226 |
Deep Dark with Lava Lake: 119, -37, 175 |
Ancient City: 121, -45, 416 |
Deep Dark Lava Pools

Seed: 3710568949726864472
The deep hues of the Deep Dark meet blazing pools of lava in this cavern. By entering a secondary entrance to the main cavern in this seed, players can follow a path on the left to find these lava pools. There are plenty of Sculk Sensors and similar blocks in the Deep Dark. You can harvest them to use in your base or leave them to increase the size of the Deep Dark.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Cave Entrance: 161, 124 |
Deep Dark Lava Pools: 161, -52, 80 |
Amethyst Geode: 199, -26, 11 |
Arena Beneath the Lake

Seed: -4546914566567487828
The hole beneath this lake is perfect for use as some sort of gladiatorial arena. The walls are high and sloped with the only easy way in and out being the waterfall in the center. This waterfall can be sectioned off so that the pit can be transformed into a mob farm for more technically savvy players. There are two more caves a short walk away. The first contains both Lush Cave and Dripstone elements while the second gives quick access to Deepslate.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Arena Beneath the Lake: 71, 22, 76 |
Lush Dripstone Cave: -5, 54, 24 |
Cave to Deepslate: 25, 49, 51 |
Cave of Splendor

Seed: 4763228050964941815
If you want to explore everything a Minecraft cave offers, I highly recommend checking out this fantastic cavern. Its entrance is located near a Plains Village, giving you useful resources at the start of the game. The cave itself contains plentiful resources like amethyst geodes. The best part is the ruined Nether Portal hidden deep within the Deepslate next to the cave's section of Lush Cave.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Plains Village: -266, -453 |
Cave Entrance: -246, 65, -348 |
Amethyst Geode: -267, -27, -315 |
Ruined Portal: -323, -15, -612 |
Lush Cave: -400, -3, -642 |
Mushroom Cavern

Seed: 1384329880929654696
The cavern beneath this Mushroom Island is filled with lava pools and plenty of diamonds. The waterfalls within it are unique because they are a muted purple-grey color since they are in a Mushroom Fields biome. It adds an interesting look to the cave that isn't seen often. Players will find a ruined portal near the external entrance of the cave and a mineshaft near the entrance on the inside.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Mushroom Island: -18, -200 |
Cave Entrance: -257, 68, -229 |
Ruined Portal: -319, 65, -255 |
Mineshaft: -325, -4, -245 |
Lush Skeleton Spawner

Seed: 4337868007922984517
The area around Spawn is an Old Growth Taiga biome with a beautiful lake. Walking to the lake reveals a Lush Cave at the edge. The water from the lake spills into it, giving you an easy way to enter and exit the cavern. Entering the cavern reveals a Skeleton Spawner out in the open right at the beginning! You can use the bones from this spawner to tame the wolves from the Taiga.
Key Locations and Coordinates |
Cave Entrance: 20, 60, 5 |
Skeleton Spawner: 7, 8, -32 |
For more Minecraft seeds and starting points, check out Best Minecraft Ancient City Seeds for Bedrock and Java on Pro Game Guides. For base design ideas, read about the Best Minecraft Cottage Designs on our sister site, Gamepur.
Published: Nov 8, 2024 10:22 am