If you find yourself having to tango with a ghost in Phasmophobia for objectives or simply bad luck, understanding its movement speed is half the battle. Some are faster on their ghostly feet than others, so here's everything you need to know about ghost movement speeds in Phasmophobia.
All Phasmophobia Ghost Speeds - How fast are ghosts?

There are 24 types of ghosts in Phasmophobia, and they can be placed in three primary categories of base speed. The standard movement speed of ghosts in the game is 1.7 m/s, so anything lower or higher than that is considered "slow" or "fast" respectively.
"Slow" ghosts are those with a speed below 1.7 m/s, while "Normal" ghosts are set at a standard speed of 1.7 m/s. "Fast" ghosts can reach speeds well above 1.7 m/s, and are considered the biggest threat.

However, if you're playing on a map set to Blood Moon weather (seen above) from the 2024 Halloween event, ghosts will always be 15% faster during hunts, regardless of type, behavior, or conditions. You cannot use any resources or techniques to decrease their speed during this weather.
Below we've listed all ghosts in Phasmophobia, their base movement speeds, and whether they can fluctuate.
Phasmo Ghost Name | Ghost Speed (and Range if applicable) |
Banshee | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
Demon | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
Deogen | 0.4 m/s - 3.0 m/s (fastest when not in target's line of sight; slows down significantly once in sight of the player) |
Goryo | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
Hantu | 1.44 m/s - 2.7 m/s (faster in colder temperatures) |
Jinn | 1.7 m/s - 2.5 m/s (faster when the breaker is on and the player is in line-of-sight) |
Mare | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
Moroi | 1.5 m/s - 3.71 m/s (faster when average sanity is lower, and fastest when player is in line-of-sight) |
Myling | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
Obake | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
| |
Oni | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
Onryo | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
Phantom | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
Poltergeist | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
Raiju | 1.7 m/s - 2.5 m/s (faster when near electrical equipment placed by the player) |
Revenant | 1.0 m/s - 3.0 m/s (slow until it detects the player by voice/active equipment/line-of-sight and speeds up until it reaches the player's last known location; will slow back down if player has moved and remains quiet) |
Shade | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
Spirit | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
The Mimic | Unknown (A Mimic changes its identity every 30 seconds to two minutes, so its movement speed will change as well) |
The Twins | 1.53 m/s - 1.87 m/s (since this ghost represents two entities, its movement speed will change back and forth between these two speeds) |
Thaye | 1.0 m/s - 2.75 m/s (Ages over time, and will be fastest at its youngest age; slowest at its oldest age) |
Wraith | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
Yokai | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
Yurei | 1.7 m/s (does not change) |
Hardest ghosts in Phasmophobia
A Moroi's movement speed is entirely contingent on the average sanity of a single player or the group. The lower it is, the more in peril you are as this ghost boasts the highest possible movement speed (3.71 m/s) in the game.
However, the higher you keep your sanity, the slower a Moroi will be when it attempts to hunt.
This ghost flexes a terrifying speed of 3.0 m/s when it detects its target, which it can do by sound, equipment, and/or line-of-sight. Players often find themselves caught off-guard by a Revenant, especially while playing with friends who are actively communicating with each other.
3.0 m/s is technically impossible for players to outrun, but if you're adept at finding hiding spots and breaking line-of-sight around corners, you might just be able to escape the clutches of one of Phasmophobia's most infamous ghosts.
The Jinn does have a standard movement speed of 1.7 m/s, but that's only if the breaker on the map is off. Typically you want the breaker to be on to help preserve your sanity, but a Jinn's movement speed will increase to 2.5 m/s any time a breaker is kept on, and the player is in it's line-of-sight.
So if a Jinn is what you're dealing with, you may have a difficult choice to make about keeping the lights on.
A Raiju is one of the most active ghost types in Phasmophobia, as it becomes more aggressive the more electronic equipment you activate on-site. Not only that, its movement speed during a hunt can go up to 2.5 m/s when near a bunch of that equipment, and it also can hunt sooner at 65% sanity while in those conditions.
The Deogen is a trickster of a ghost in Phasmophobia, because if you're in a bad spot when it hunts and don't know how to handle it, your investigation will be over faster than you can blink. When hunting, a Deogen will ALWAYS have line-of-sight on the player, no matter where it is on the map, meaning you can't hide from it.
Worse yet, a Deogen moves at up to 3.0 m/s, meaning it can cover a lot of ground quickly. However, if you face it while in direct line-of-sight, the Deogen will slow down significantly like a deer in headlights to just 0.4 m/s.
The Hantu can be another tricky ghost to handle, especially if you're on a map with snowy weather. That's because a Hantu's movement speed increases all the way to 2.7 m/s when in areas with colder temperatures. It also has a tendency to turn off the breaker repeatedly, which makes it all the more pesky to deal with.
How to figure out ghost movement speed in Phasmophobia
Ghosts in Phasmophobia each have their own unique behaviors as well as their own movement speed, and understanding those speeds is crucial to your survival. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a bad situation and unable to outrun a ghost or escape to a hiding spot (seen below) in time. That movement speed can also further help you identify the ghost when evidence is proving difficult to get.
Some ghosts in Phasmophobia are wickedly fast while others are sluggish, and depending on the type of ghost, their traits, and the environment around them, their speed may change during a hunt. Also, keep in mind that most ghosts in the game have a standard line-of-sight speed increase, meaning that they always speed up a set amount when they see the player regardless of conditions.

The best strategy to figure out your culprit's movement speed is to bring at least one Incense with you and find a reliable hiding spot on the map to camp inside, and make sure it's dark in your immediate area. As your sanity drops in the darkness, the ghost will become more active and prone to hunt. As soon as it does, listen for its footsteps as it moves around.
If you're playing with friends, you can expand this strategy by planting Sound Sensors in the area, so they can listen to the movement speed from the van as well. The more ears you have listening in, the quicker you can figure it out.

Finally, our Ghost Strengths and Weaknesses guide, which goes into detail on the behaviors of every single ghost in Phasmophobia. As you listen to your ghost's footsteps, consult this to help pinpoint their identity.
How to slow down Ghosts in Phasmophobia

There are certain tricks you can make use of in Phasmophobia to help slow down different ghosts during hunts, and they range from using cursed objects like the Monkey Paw to using Incense to prevent hunts from happening at all or simply manipulating a ghost's basic behaviors.
Remember, if you're playing on a map with Blood Moon weather, these strategies will not apply as ghosts will be 15% faster no matter what.
How to slow down Hantu in Phasmophobia
Because the Hantu gets faster in colder temperatures, turning on the generator is the most effective way of controlling its speed. The Hantu will attempt to turn off the generator to speed itself up and never turn it on.
How to slow down Jinn in Phasmophobia
The Jinn is most dangerous ironically when further away from the player and while the breaker is turned on. You can consider keeping the breaker off and off-set your sanity drain with Sanity Medication and Firelights, or simply keep the Jinn in close enough proximity to where it won't hunt you down at a sprint.
How to slow down Raiju in Phasmophobia
The Raiju's speed increases around activated electronic equipment, so if you turn off that equipment and/or remove it from the premises entirely, its movement will decrease to a standard speed.
How to slow down Revenant in Phasmophobia
A Revenant's speed is entirely dependent on catching the player one of three ways (sound/equipment/line-of-sight), and it can be difficult to escape it once it has. However, if you manage to use an Incense (preferably tier 3) quickly enough to throw it off your scent and relocate to a new hiding spot, a Revenant will slow down significantly.
How to slow down Moroi in Phasmophobia
The Moroi's speed depends entirely on Sanity, making Sanity Pills necessary to slow them down. Staying where there is light on will also maintain the player's Sanity.
How to slow down Thaye in Phasmophobia
Because Thaye's speed decreases over time as it ages, one of the best strategies to slow it down is to simply stay inside the ghost's chosen room with Crucifixes and Incense (also known as 'Smudges') until it ages long enough.
Be sure to check out all of our guides for Phasmophobia here at Pro Game Guides, such as Which Ghosts can teleport in Phasmophobia?.
Published: Oct 31, 2024 10:05 am