Children of the Forest is a World Quest under Aranyaka: Part II - Dream Nursey. It involves adventuring with Arama by gathering fellow Aranara and helping them solve problems in preparation for the legendary Festival Utsava.
How to unlock the Children of the Forest Sumeru World Quest in Genshin Impact
To unlock the Children of the Forest World Quest, you first need to complete The World of Aranara, which will unlock an important Quest Item called the Aranyaka, which acts as a record of your adventures with Arama. Additionally, the quest will unlock the feature to switch between the real and dream forms of Vanarana, which is necessary to complete Children of the Forest. After completing the prerequisite, you'll automatically unlock the Children of the Forest World Quest.
How to complete the Children of the Forest Sumeru World Quest in Genshin Impact
The only objective in the Children of the Forest quest is to adventure with Arama. To complete it, you must initiate and complete other World Questlines. See below for the list of questlines and standalone quests you can complete in any order. After doing them, the Children of the Forest World Quest will also be completed in conjunction.
Related: How to unlock Sumeru Daily Commissions in Genshin Impact
An Unwavering Culinary Dream (World Questline)
- Cooking, The Flavor of Nature
- Cooking, A Pleasant Memory
- Cooking, The Armona of Homecoming
- Cooking, The Beauty of Sharing
Apart from the above quests, you also need to complete A Delicacy for Nara, which unlocks after all of the above are done. It's a simple quest where you bring the Aranara back to Arapacati in dream Vanarana.
Varuna Gatha (World Questline)
After completing all of the above, you will unlock the World Quest called Sprouting Seedlings, which is also a requirement for completing Children of the Forest.
Agnihotra Sutra (World Questline)
Vimana Agama (World Questline)
- Vimana Agama: First Chapter
- Vimana Agama: Royinjan's Chapter
- Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter
- Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter
The Rhythm that Leads to the Gloomy Path (World Quest)
The Rhythm that Nurtures the Sprout (World Quest)
The Rhythm that Reveals the Beastly Trail (World Quest)
Don't forget about non-Aranara World Quest in Sumeru—check out our Genshin Impact A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird hidden World Quest guide to get started.
Published: Sep 5, 2022 4:07 PM UTC